Satire through the Centuries

Sarah Siddons was born in Wales in 1755. She became one of the most prominent actresses of the 18th century, famous in particular for playing Lady Macbeth. She remains notable and memorable even today. The Sarah Siddons Society in Chicago presents theatre scholarships in her name annually.

Artist: Bruce Eric Kaplan
Credit: Bruce Eric Kaplan The New Yorker Collection/The Cartoon Bank
Broadway Snark

It opened on May 23, 1922, and ran for 2327 performances, closing over five years later. At the time, that was the longest run in Broadway history.
But not according to the critics.

Subways are for Sleeping
It was January of 1962. The Broadway production of Subways are for Sleeping at the St. James Theatre was getting weak reviews. Ticket revenues were low, and in need of some magic.
Producer David Merrick had a trick up his sleeve that he had been saving for several years. He spent some time making some interesting arrangements, and then prepared the following advertisement for every major New York newspaper.
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